
BMR Medical launches ivKIT for Guided Puncture

 Product presents an alternative to facilitate the construction of the bundle for management of venous access 

Recent literature and guidelines have started to indicate: use ultrasound to place a short peripheral catheter in adult and pediatric patients with difficult venous access or after failed venipuncture attempts.

In view of the scientific trend (old technology, with revised practical application), protocols are created in the services to establish the decision criteria, guaranteeing safe and quality care with regard to the use of ultrasound in the puncture in the management of vascular access.

Thinking about aseptic technique, have you ever stopped to think about the value of using a completely sterile kit for performing venipuncture puncture using a guided puncture technique?

The proposal of ivKIT Peripheral Access for Guided Puncture is to support the assistance team in guaranteeing the execution of the aseptic technique, offering a single sterile package with the necessary materials, so that the professional can decide and manage the best selection of vein and device, preserving the blood vessel and ensuring the safe route of administration. 

According to the updated manual for the management of Vascular Access: Vessel Health and Preservation: The Right Approach for Vascular Access (VHP Philosophy), edited by Nancy L. Moureau, which suggests the correct approach for the execution of Good Assistance Practices related to vascular access, the minimization of complications needs to be based and supported by structured protocols.

The manual presents the main recommendations that must be implemented by the team, reflecting on the skills, competences, knowledge and minimum knowledge necessary to perform catheter insertion safely, based on the VHP philosophy, always reinforcing the importance of education and permanent training , standardization of conduct and control measures: 

  1. Knowledge about anatomy and physiology
  2. Use of US for evaluation and insertion
  3. Use of devices to locate the tip of central venous catheters
  4. Adoption of IRAS control and prevention measures / adoption of aseptic “no touch” techniques / (ANTT®)
  5. Ability to select and indicate the appropriate devices
  6. Ability to perform insertion procedures, prevention of complications, evaluation and maintenance / management
  7. Performing care and maintenance using stabilizing devices and needle-free connectors
  8. Management / Qualification plan and periodic certification of the team
  9. Practical training based on simulations
  10. Use of anatomical models
  11. Team proficiency rating and tests with objective criteria
  12. Assessment of professional skills
  13. Supervised instructions / monitoring of actions 
  14. In-person or internet training
  15. Development of clinical skills
  16. Education / specific knowledge in pediatrics and neonatology


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